Maker Alliance Project - Richard Feynman Quote Sign

Maker Alliance Project - Richard Feynman Quote Sign

Here’s my contribution to the Maker Alliance Richard Feynman Quote Project. It’s spray paint and laser engrave on holly wood harvested from my backyard. I always thought fonts for stencils looked a little funny because they had to hold the floating bits of letters in the middle. I tried to get around that by using a regular font but suspending those bits with thin wire and it seemed to work.

It took some time, but we got a workable 3D paint scheme with a lighter blue and slightly transparent red spray paint. It’s not perfect, but it looks cool. Also, the stencil gunks up after a bunch of sprays, but that could be avoided by using thinner material for the stencil.


I did a quick Richard Feynman diagram on the Glowforge and threw him in peeking over the R just for the fun of it.

I think it came out pretty well. I can’t wait to see what all the other makers come up with. If you’re interested in becoming a member, here is a link to the website.